questions in PYRO-ILLUSION

Share your creation with Truddy

What is, to you, the most iconic thing in PYRO-ILLUSION design wise?

can i ask when this game be release

will this game be rtx compadible?

whens does the game come out ?

Chicos ayudenme a pasar este juego llamado Child past 1(nightmares) quien sepa los controles digalo ya por que los controles estan rotos o yo soy el estupido que dura menos de un minuto en la segunda noche

is someone gonna put a rick roll in the letsplay

To anyone who has made or looks at pi fanart regularly: what's your favorite piece of fanart that you or someone else made and why?

@ddemkoo will the game come out this year?

Is the game finally realsed?

cuando sale el juego que tiene buena pinta